An integrated solution for the power blocking process

e-LOCK® consists of a tamper-proof SmartBox, which ensures that the lock key is stored until the end of the activity, a Web System for managing the entire process, allowing real-time communication between all those involved, and a Mobile/App System that allows mobility and agility in the blocking and unblocking processes, reducing travel costs to zero.


Real-time information, know which blocks were performed by the person accredited to block the equipment and the entire team that performs the digital block. Track the progress of blocking requests, time of completion, and completion of activities, which blocks have not yet been performed, see all blocking Tags and the performers that are blocking them, and much more.


Inviolable, it ensures the storage of the key until the end of the activity, preventing the equipment from being energized and ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

  • Long life battery (approx. 7 days)
  • Quick charge (approx. 28 minutes)
  • Wifi, Bluetooth (configuration) and Radio (optional) connection
  • A color system according to the process
  • Digital display with process information
  • An inviolable system according to Brazilian Occupational Safety standards and International Certifications
  • Emergency access


Managing the entire process and allowing communication between all involved

  • Users
  • Lock Map
  • Installation Location
  • Service Order Scheduling
  • Smartbox e-LOCK® Lockbox Management
  • A historical record of all system modifications and actions
  • Dashboard Database
  • Programming: blocking sequencing by activity start time (prioritization)

Mobile app

A system that allows mobility and agility in processes


  • Aimed at the performers of the activity and all those who are involved with the equipment in the area.


  • Developed for physical blocking, signaling through the automatic blocking matrix, all tags to be blocked.

Emergency / Corrective

  • Action aimed at corrective emergency, ensuring the effective choice of blocking tags according to the installation location to be worked on.

Exceptional Unlock

  • In exceptional situations, for forgetting the password or absence of the performer.

Main advantages

Workplace safety

Ensures solidity to the blocking process, avoiding exposure to the risk of having employees involved in the activity while allowing field monitoring by the SSMA and the Maintenance team.

Planning and Programming

Possibility to plan and schedule blocking activities, increasing execution speed

Block Management

Manage active blocks to be carried out, by discipline, service order and by area, being able to make use of a heat map evaluating the highest concentration of blockage (geolocation)

Accurate Information

Unified and controlled registration of all blocking tags by installation location, discipline, device, etc., guaranteeing the correct information for the accredited person


Follow up the entire blocking process, from withdrawal requests, blocking breaks, etc.; identification by the user, location, and progress, among others.


Control of everyone involved in the activity, ensuring management of employees in the field as well as remote access for managers and others involved.

Management, traceability, reliability


Access the dashboard to manage all the indicators you want to view in real-time. Fully customized, offering various reports with start date/time, end date/time, blocks by discipline, stop histories, block violation histories, etc.

With the Dashboard, you will have all the information ready to generate reports and make it available for any purpose, be it legal or for meetings to close major maintenance shutdowns.


  • There is no planning/scheduling of the blocking sequence (priorities by time)
  • Blocking Tag Lists are decentralized and each employee/area has its own, not being easily accessible to those involved in activities
  • Contents of the list of blocking tags are not traceable and controlled, not allowing changes and updates to be controlled.
  • Maintenance orders do not have an easy, auditable, and controlled link to the blocking tags that will be needed


  • Blocking time optimization through date/time programming, prioritizing service order, Installation Locations, Blocking Tags
  • Blocking Tags are controlled and managed in a computerized system, allowing controlled access for each user
  • Information Management is guaranteed by the control of user profiles, ensuring information fidelity (ISO 9001)
  • Service order linked to the Blocking Tags through the database previously registered and linked to the installation location, ensuring the correct information


The heat map is a very important visualization feature so that in your day-to-day you can have a macro view of all active work fronts at any time.

Visualize in real time the concentration of activities in each of the productive areas during maintenance activities and major stoppages. Use this feature to illustrate your meetings and be able to show the blocks in real-time.

Displacement reduction for all areas


With the application, the displacement of the entire team is immediately eliminated, ending the cost of having Hh stopped while waiting for the blocking request and manual filling of the blocking map.

The request is made in seconds with just a few clicks. The team responsible for blocking receives the request in its environment within the application and starts the process of blocking the equipment, without physical queues, without loss of Mh, agile and fluid process, ensuring the efficiency and productivity of all teams.


  • Unproductive activity leader who needs to go to all primary blocking points, with mismatches and still return to the front line.
  • All management of blocks is under the responsibility of the leader, where he must ensure that all blocks have been carried out correctly.
  • Executors do not have access to a list of reliable TAGs for conference and work front certification.
  • Executors are extremely idle at the beginning of the stop because the confirmation of the block is slow, manual and with low reliability of the information
  • No traceability of activities and execution of blocks, making any management and treatment of losses impossible.
  • Ride in the blockade due to the bureaucracy of the current process, causing those who are following the activity (engineers and the like) not to perform the blockade due to “rapid” intervention, putting several people at risk for failing to comply with the rules.


  • The leader will monitor the execution of the blocks in real-time with zero displacements on the work front.
  • Management of blocks executed through the software/app, ensuring that the service order starts only when all blocks are performed.
  • List of TAG’s directly linked to the service order, avoiding wrong blocking.
  • Executors are no longer idle waiting for the lock, being able to prepare all activities in place.
  • Traceable activities and blockages throughout the steps, generating management during the process, history, and subsequent negotiations.
  • Reduction of bureaucracy naturally encourages all those involved to carry out the blocking, given the ease and reliability of the process, ensuring the safety and life of employees in addition to meeting the rules.
best choice



The offset gain for the physical lock is also an indicator worth mentioning in the app.

How many times has a specialist from the primary blocking team, for example, had to go back to an electrical panel to perform a new block when he had blocked some time before, on the same panel? This happens several times in the day-to-day of these professionals, since with the first-come-first-served blocking queues, it is not possible to know which blocks will be requested.

With the application, members of the primary blocking team will be able to filter all blocking requests that can be performed in the same place, thus avoiding unnecessary displacement costs and Hh of the entire execution team that is stopped waiting for the block to be performed.


  • Idleness of the accredited, as they need to stay still waiting for the leaders to come to carry out the blockade.
  • Slow blocking process, as the accredited person needs to physically wait for the leader to start the physical blocking process, in addition to manually assembling/managing the blocking map.
  • Blocking map filled in manually, making it impossible to manage all involved, error and bureaucratic liability to fill.
  • Accredited cannot plan their activities, which affects their productivity due to not having prior knowledge of everything that will be requested.


  • Accredited speeds up physical blocks, as it receives demand remotely and planned.
  • Block map automatically generated, traceable and with information fidelity, not depending on physical signatures and all electronically generated and encrypted.
  • Planning of blocking activity, enabling effectiveness and prioritization of demands.



One of the most complex, exhausting and costly procedures in the entire process of blocking and unblocking energies will now be done in an extremely reliable and agile way, ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

No more manually filling in documents, involving different areas and hours and hours wasted with the stop of a production for not being able to remove the blockage and reestablish the full operation of an equipment.

The entire security checklist is virtualized, the violation of the lock does not generate the loss of the company’s assets, the reports and evidence of the procedure are sent to all those responsible. All is done to ensure total reliability and safety of those involved.


  • Lots of bureaucracy and documents are filled in manually, making the process unsafe and impossible to manage, store and secure documentation.
  • During the violation of the lock (breaking the padlock), there is no guarantee that the activity will be carried out outside the equipment’s range of action and safely for the performers.
  • Weakness in the request process for the exceptional unlocking authorizer, who does not receive complete and reliable information, without traceable confirmations.


  • Agile information and uncomplicated management, with a log of all events recorded in the system.
  • Unlocking outside the action radius, ensuring the safety of everyone involved and the validation of the authorizer of the exceptional unlocking.
  • Checklist for request, ensuring that all steps have been followed and unlocking is only for the employee in question.
  • 100% traceable from request to the takedown of lock, audit liability, and consultation at any time



The operation now has an environment for requesting emergency blockages, an ideal resource for emergency corrective activities, for times of extreme need for agility to restore full operation of equipment to ensure that production does not lose millions.

In these moments, every minute represents a lot of money lost, and with the emergency request environment, blocking activities gain an efficiency never seen before.

As soon as the need for corrective intervention is identified, the performer can immediately fill out the request directly from the application and send the request to the team responsible for the primary block to initiate the appropriate procedures.

This way, we guarantee practicality, preventing security procedures from being circumvented putting the entire team at risk.


  • During the correction, the information about blocking TAGs is compromised due to the lack of centralization and an intelligent system, putting the employee at risk.
  • The performer performs the activity without blocking (energized equipment), if he understands that the activity is of low complexity, circumventing security due to bureaucracy and slowness.
  • The performer needs to go to the blocking points, being unproductive, at which time he could be preparing tools and materials to carry out the corrective.


  • Precise information, in possession of the installation location, the system correlates all the necessary TAGs and sends it remotely to the accredited ones.
  • Reduction of the bureaucracy of the process naturally encourages all those involved to carry out the blocking, given the ease and reliability of the process, ensuring, in addition to compliance with NR10 and 12 standards, the safety and life of employees.
  • Guarantee of agility with security, as the performer can prepare for correction while the accredited person performs the blocking through the information received remotely, reducing costs with idle HH and stopped production.
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